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7月23日 102年週二
  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang attends the presentation for a book about entrepreneurship and dream fulfillment of Taiwan’s young generations.

    地點:Café at the 8F., Central News Agency (No.209, Songjiang Rd., Taipei City)

  • 下午02:30 出席《青世代:創業‧圓夢的淚與笑》新書發表會


  • 上午11:05 陪同總統出席衛生福利部部長布達暨揭牌典禮


  • 上午11:05 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend the ceremonies for Health and Welfare Minister’s inauguration and the Ministry’s plate unveiling.

    地點:Auditorium, Taiwan Business Bank (17F., No.30, Tacheng St., Taipei City)

7月22日 102年週一
  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang gives a presentation on cross-strait services trade agreement at a meeting hosted by the Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce, Taiwan

    地點:Room 102, Taipei International Convention Center (No. 1, Section 5, Xinyi Road, Xinyi District, Taipei City)

  • 上午09:00 出席中華民國工商協進會「兩岸服務貿易協議」宣導說明會致詞


7月20日 102年週六
  • 下午05:55 出席陸委會102年度大陸政策與兩岸關係廟口宣講活動高雄左營舊城城隍廟場次

    地點:高雄市左營區店仔頂路1 號

  • 下午05:55 Premier attends Mainland Affairs Council’s “2013 mainland policy and cross-strait relations” presentation at the Chenghuang Temple of Kaohsiung’s old Zuoying town.

    地點:No. 1, Dianzaiding Road, Zuoying District, Kaohsiung City

  • 下午03:20 Premier pays a visit to the Soft-World International Corporation.

    地點:No. 1-16, Kuojian Road, Qianzhen District, Kaohsiung City

  • 下午03:20 參訪智冠科技股份有限公司


  • 下午02:30 Premier visits the Laundry Business Association of the Republic of China and the Feng-huang-shen Laundry.

    地點:No. 157-3, Wumiao Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City

  • 下午02:30 參訪中華民國洗衣商業同業公會全國聯合會暨鳳凰身超級乾洗店


  • 下午02:10 參拜高雄關帝廟


  • 下午02:10 Premier Jiang visits the Guan-ti Temple

    地點:No. 52, Wumiao Road, Lingya District, Kaohsiung City

  • 上午10:16 出席兩岸服務貿易協議說明會


  • 上午10:16 Premier Jiang gives a presentation on cross-strait services trade agreement.

    地點:Hongnan Recreation Center, Kaohsiung Oil Refinery (No. 2, Lane 12, Hongyi 1st Road, Nanzi District, Kaohsiung City)

7月19日 102年週五
  • 上午11:00 接見世界臺商聯合總會第19屆重要幹部回國訪問團

    1.開放媒體採訪11:00至11:05致意畫面,晤談前結束採訪 2.欲採訪媒體請於10:50於記者室集合

  • 上午11:00 Premier Jiang receives the 19th mission members of the World Taiwanese Chambers of Commerce.

    地點:Auditorium, Executive Yuan
    (1. The greeting session, which takes place from 11:00 to 11:05, is open to the press. 2. Press members intend to cover the greeting session are requested to show up in the press room at 10:50.)

7月18日 102年週四
  • 下午07:00 與東園國小少棒隊共同觀看第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽開幕戰


  • 下午07:00 Premier Jiang watches the 2013 IBAF 12U Baseball World Cup opening game with the Dong Yuan Elementary School baseball team members.

    地點:Tianmu Baseball Stadium (No.77, Sec. 2, Zhongcheng Rd., Taipei City)

  • 下午05:40 Premier Jiang attends the opening ceremony of the 2013 IBAF 12U Baseball World Cup.

    地點:Tianmu Baseball Stadium (No.77, Sec. 2, Zhongcheng Rd., Taipei City)

  • 下午05:40 出席2013年第二屆世界盃少棒錦標賽開幕典禮


  • 下午01:55 Premier Jiang attends the 4th Membership Assembly in the 12th Session of the National Association of Small and Medium Enterprises and presents the 5th National SME Foundation Awards.

    地點:Joyful Ballroom, Sheraton Taipei Hotel (B2, No.12, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Taipei City)

  • 下午01:55 出席中華民國全國中小企業總會第12屆第4次會員大會暨第5屆國家磐石關懷獎章頒獎典禮


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


7月17日 102年週三
  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang hosts the 11th member meeting of the Central Integrity Committee.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午02:30 主持中央廉政委員會第11次委員會議


  • 下午12:00 出席「中華民國三三企業交流會」專題演講


  • 下午12:00 Premier Jiang delivers a keynote speech at the Third Wednesday Club.

    地點:No.3, Songshou Rd., Taipei City (22nd Fl., Chinatrust Building)

7月16日 102年週二
  • 下午04:55 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend the celebration reception for signing the ANZTEC.

    地點:Taipei Guest House (No.1, Ketagalan Blvd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

  • 下午04:55 陪同總統出席「我國與紐西蘭簽署經濟合作協定慶祝酒會」


7月14日 102年週日
  • 下午01:30 視察宜蘭縣三星鄉水稻、蔥受損情況


  • 下午01:30 Premier Jiang inspects the damages of the rice paddies and scallion fields at Sanxing Township, Yilan County.

    地點:No.59-2, Wanfu Rd., Sanxing Township, Yilan County

  • 上午11:20 Premier Jiang inspects the damages of the pear orchards at Dongshi District, Taichung City.

    地點:No.226, Donglan Rd., Dongshi Dist., Taichung City

  • 上午11:20 視察東勢區梨園受損情況


  • 上午09:30 視察新社區菇舍受損情況


  • 上午09:30 Premier Jiang inspects the damages of the mushroom farms at Xinshe District, Taichung City.

    地點:No.130, Sec. 1, Zhonghe St., Xinshe Dist., Taichung City

7月13日 102年週六
  • 上午11:20 至原住民文化會館視察蘇力颱風受災戶收容安置情形


  • 上午11:20 Premier Jiang visits Taoyuan County Indigenous Culture Center and inspects the accommodation of Typhoon Soulik’s affected households.

    地點:No.101, Ln. 29, Sec. 1, Yuanlin Rd., Daxi Township, Taoyuan County

  • 上午11:00 視察石門水庫


  • 上午11:00 Premier Jiang inspects Shihmen Reservoir.

    地點:No.2, Jia’an Rd., Longtan Township, Taoyuan County

7月12日 102年週五
  • 上午08:30 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to inspect the Central Disaster Emergency Operation Center.

    地點:No. 200, Sec. 3, Beixin Rd., Xindian Dist., New Taipei City

  • 上午08:30 陪同總統視察中央災害應變中心


7月11日 102年週四
  • 下午02:55 Premier Jiang attends a forum on the ECFA’s trade in services agreement.

    地點:Peach Blossom Hall, Hotel Kuva Chateau (3F., No.398, Minquan Rd., Zhongli City, Taoyuan County)

  • 下午02:55 出席「ECFA服務貿易協議商機」論壇


  • 下午01:50 出席「國家政務研究班第7期」及「高階領導研究班第6期」聯合開訓典禮


  • 下午01:50 Premier Jiang attends the joint opening ceremony of the 7th National Civil Service Development and the 6th High-Rank Leadership seminars.

    地點:International Conference Center, Civil Service Development Institute, Directorate-General of Personnel Administration (No.30, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


7月10日 102年週三
  • 下午03:50 Premier Jiang visits Formosa Indigenous Dance Foundation of Culture and Arts.

    地點:No.6, Ln. 27, Sec. 2, Chinan Rd., Shoufeng Township, Hualien County

  • 下午03:50 參訪原舞者文化藝術基金會


  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang visits the Amis tribe school, which establishes at the location of the discarded Dongfu Elementary School.

    地點:No.60, Dongfu Rd., Guangfu Township, Hualien County

  • 下午02:30 參訪「阿美族部落學校」-東富國小


  • 下午01:40 參訪太巴塱部落-- kakita^an祖祀


  • 下午01:40 Premier Jiang visits Tafalong tribe and watches the ancestral worship ceremony “kakita^an.”

    地點:Lot No. 841, Dongfu Sec., Guangfu Township, Hualien County

  • 上午08:00 參訪阿美族文化發源地-奇美部落


  • 上午08:00 Premier Jiang visits Kiwit tribe, Amis’ place of origin.

    地點:No.215, Sec. 3, Zhongshan Rd., Ruisui Township, Hualien County (the service center) and No.2-10, Qimei, Ruisui Township, Hualien County (Kiwit tribe)
    (Departs from Rueisuei Rafting Service Center at 08:00)

7月9日 102年週二
  • 下午05:00 Premier Jiang attends the Taiwan International Balloon Fiesta in Taitung.

    地點:Luye terrace, Luye Township, Taitung County

  • 下午05:00 出席「臺東熱氣球嘉年華」活動


  • 下午01:30 出席單車逍遙遊暨自行車道整體路網宣傳活動記者會及自行車體驗活動


  • 下午01:30 Premier Jiang attends a press conference for bicycle tours and path network and takes a ride.

    地點:Ado’s Bicycle Store (No.232, Guangrong Rd., Luye Township, Taitung County)

  • 上午11:30 拜訪原民會孫主委母親及參觀卑南族傳統家屋


  • 上午11:30 Premier Jiang visits Minister of Indigenous Peoples Sun Ta-chuan’s mother and tours the Puyuma traditional family house.

    地點:No.5-1, Xiabinlang, Beinan Township, Taitung County

  • 上午10:35 視察「原住民族文創聚落計畫」預定地及聽取簡報


  • 上午10:35 Premier Jiang inspects the scheduled location for the aboriginal cultural and creative settlements and listens to the briefing of the plan.

    地點:No.369, Tiehua Rd., Taitung City, Taitung County ( the old railway station)

  • 上午09:20 都蘭部落深度文化體驗


  • 上午09:20 Premier Jiang attends cultural activities of Atolan tribe.

    地點:No.61, Dulan, Donghe Township, Taitung County

7月6日 102年週六
  • 上午08:00 行政院老棒隊與行政院記者隊棒球友誼賽活動


  • 上午08:00 The Executive Yuan baseball team plays a friendly game with the Executive Yuan's journalist team.

    地點:No. 66, Hexing St., Xinzhuang Dist., New Taipei City

7月5日 102年週五
  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang attends an herbal medicine identification seminar for professionals.

    地點:International Concert Hall, 2nd Floor, Li Kang Biotechnical Co. Ltd (No.29, Huangong Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City)

  • 上午09:00 出席「中藥從業人員中藥材辨識研習會」


共177頁, 筆,共2650筆