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9月14日 101年週五
  • 上午09:30 出席「行政院毒品防制會報第9次會議」


9月13日 101年週四
  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. hosted by Spokesman Hu Yu-wei.)

  • 上午09:00 出席行政院院會


9月12日 101年週三
  • 下午01:00 陪同院長出席「2012倫敦帕拉林匹克運動會代表團返國餐宴」


9月10日 101年週一
  • 上午10:00 陪同院長出席內政部「101年宗教團體表揚大會」


  • 上午10:00 Secretary-General Chen attends the 2012 religious groups commendation ceremony organized by the Ministry of the Interior

    地點:Concert Hall, Armed Forces Cultural Center; No. 69, Sec. 1, Zhonghua Rd., Taipei

9月8日 101年週六
  • 下午03:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a commendation ceremony for personnel nationwide who have contributed to sports

    地點:Lake Shore Hotel, No. 177, Minsheng Rd., Hsinchu

  • 下午03:00 出席「全國基層體育有功人員表揚大會」


9月6日 101年週四
  • 上午09:00 出席行政院院會


  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    Not open for interview. A press conference is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. hosted by Deputy Secretary-General Huang Min-kon.

9月3日 101年週一
  • 上午10:00 Secretary-General Chen attends the fall memorial ceremony in honor of national martyrs.

    地點:National Revolutionary Martyrs’ Shrine

9月1日 101年週六
  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a symposium on finance and economy (fifth in a series focusing on labor-management relations and human resources).

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    Not open to the press except during the Premier’s speech. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 8:40 a.m.

  • 上午09:00 出席「財經議題研商會議-勞資關係及人力場次」


8月30日 101年週四
  • 下午07:00 出席「2012壬辰年雞籠中元祭放水燈遊行開幕典禮」


  • 下午07:00 Secretary-General Chen attends the opening ceremony of a water lantern releasing parade for 2012 Keelung Ghost Festival.

    地點:The reviewing stand across No. 5, Zhong 1st Rd., Keelung City

  • 上午09:00 出席行政院院會


  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open for interview. A press conference is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. hosted by Spokesman Hu Yu-wei.)

8月28日 101年週二
  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a symposium on finance and economy (fourth in a series focusing on tourism and the exhibition industry).

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    Not open to the press except during the Premier’s speech. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 8:40 a.m.

  • 上午09:00 出席「財經議題研商會議-觀光與會展場次」


8月23日 101年週四
  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open for interview. A press conference is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. hosted by Spokesman Hu Yu-wei.)

  • 上午09:00 出席行政院院會


8月21日 101年週二
  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a symposium on finance and economy (third in a series focusing on financial issues).

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    Not open to the press except during the Premier’s speech. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 8:40 a.m.

  • 上午09:00 出席「財經議題研商會議—金融議題場次」


8月18日 101年週六
  • 下午02:00 Secretary-General Chen attends with the Premier a symposium on finance and economy (second in a series focusing on energy policies).

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    Not open to the press except during the Premier's speech. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 13:40.

  • 下午02:00 陪同院長出席「財經議題研商會議—能源政策場次」


8月17日 101年週五
  • 下午12:00 陪同院長出席「奧運代表團返國餐會」


  • 下午12:00 Secretary-General Chen accompanies Premier Chen to the luncheon with members of Taiwan’s Olympic delegation.

    地點:Cesar Park Taipei (Fl. 3, No. 38, Sec. 1, Zhongxiao W. Rd., Taipei City)

8月16日 101年週四
  • 下午06:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a lighting ceremony for 2012 Keelung Ghost Festival.

    地點:Ocean Plaza (intersection of Xiao 2nd Rd. and Zhong 1st Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Keelung City)

  • 下午06:00 出席「2012壬辰年雞籠中元祭」點燈儀式


  • 上午09:00 出席行政院院會


  • 上午09:00 Secretary-General Chen attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open for interview. A press conference is scheduled for 10:45 a.m. hosted by Spokesman Hu Yu-wei.)

共115頁, 筆,共1723筆