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2月7日 103年週五
  • 下午06:55 陪同 總統出席「2014臺北燈節」開幕典禮


  • 下午06:55 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend the opening ceremony of 2014 Taipei Lantern Festival.

    地點:Taipei Expo Park

2月6日 103年週四
  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


2月5日 103年週三
  • 下午07:00 出席「第22屆台北國際書展歡迎晚宴」


  • 下午07:00 Premier Jiang attends the evening reception of the 22nd Taipei International Book Exhibition.

    地點:Huashan 1914 Creative Park (W5 Hall)
    Not open to the press.

  • 上午10:30 Premier Jiang attends the 2014 Lunar New Year reception.

    地點:Executive Yuan Auditorium
    Reporters are requested to assemble at the press room at 10:20 a.m.

  • 上午10:30 出席行政院103年新春團拜


2月3日 103年週一
  • 上午09:50 Premier Jiang visits Jiuhua Mountain Di-Zang Temple in Chiayi City.

    地點:No. 255, Minquan Rd., Chiayi City
    Tea reception not open to the press.

  • 上午09:50 參訪嘉義市九華山地藏庵


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang visits Chiayi Cheng-Huang Temple.

    地點:No. 168, Wufeng N. Rd., Chiayi City
    Tea reception not open to the press.

  • 上午09:00 參訪嘉義市城隍廟


2月2日 103年週日
  • 下午03:00 訪視「財團法人中華文化社會福利基金會附設翠柏新村老人安養中心」


  • 下午03:00 Premier Jiang visits a senior citizen care center of the Chinese Culture and Social Welfare Fund.

    地點:No. 5, Yongchun 1st Rd., Xizhi Dist., New Taipei City

1月30日 103年週四
  • 上午10:35 Premier Jiang inspects the Xiamen Street police station of the Taipei City Police Department.

    地點:No. 43, Xiamen St., Taipei City

  • 上午10:35 慰勉廈門街派出所同仁


  • 上午10:00 慰勉「臺北市政府消防局救災救護指揮中心」同仁


  • 上午10:00 Premier Jiang inspects Taipei City Fire Department's disaster rescue and prevention center.

    地點:6F, No. 1, Songren Rd., Xinyi Dist., Taipei City

1月29日 103年週三
  • 下午04:50 Premier Jiang inspects Railway Police Bureau’s Taipei precinct.

    地點:Railway Police Bureau’s Taipei precinct office

  • 下午04:50 視察鐵路警察局臺北分駐所


  • 下午03:50 Premier Jiang inspects specific areas of Taipei Main Station (including Taiwan Railways Administration and High Speed Rail stations).

    地點:West gates of Taipei Main Station

  • 下午03:50 視察臺北車站特定區(臺鐵、高鐵車站)


  • 下午03:00 Premier Jiang inspects Taipei Songshan Airport.

    地點:No. 340-9, Dunhua N. Rd., Songshan Dist., Taipei City

  • 下午03:00 視察民航局臺北國際航空站


  • 下午02:00 視察高公局交控中心


  • 下午02:00 Premier Jiang inspects the traffic control center of the Taiwan Area National Freeway Bureau (TANFB).

    地點:2F., Control Room, TANFB’s traffic control center (No.70, Banshanya, Taishan Dist., New Taipei City)

1月28日 103年週二
  • 下午04:45 視察「法務部矯正署桃園女子監獄」


  • 下午04:45 Premier Jiang inspects Taoyuan Women’s Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.

    地點:Taoyuan Women’s Prison (No. 617, Sanlin Sec., Zhongzheng Rd., Longtan Township, Taoyuan County)
    (Open to the press. However, no pictures of inmates’ faces are allowed, and their privacy should be protected.)

  • 下午03:50 Premier Jiang inspects specific areas of Taipei Main Station (including Taiwan Railway Administration and High Speed Railway stations).

    地點:West gates of Taipei Main Station

  • 下午03:35 視察「法務部矯正署臺北監獄」


  • 下午03:35 Premier Jiang inspects Taipei Prison, Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.

    地點:Taipei Prison (No. 2, Shanying Rd., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County)
    (Open to the press. However, no pictures of inmates’ faces are allowed, and their privacy should be protected.)

  • 下午02:40 視察「法務部矯正署」


  • 下午02:40 Premier Jiang inspects Agency of Corrections, Ministry of Justice.

    地點:No. 180, Hongde Vil., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County

1月27日 103年週一
  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang attends an amendment reconsideration session at the Legislative Yuan.

    地點:Legislative Yuan

  • 下午02:30 出席立法院院會覆議案備詢


1月26日 103年週日
  • 上午10:40 Premier Jiang visits the Eden Social Welfare Foundation’s disabilities service center in Keelung.

    地點:No. 282-45, Dongxin Rd., Keelung City
    Do not photograph the center's members.

  • 上午10:40 訪視「伊甸社會福利基金會基隆市身心障礙福利服務中心」


  • 上午09:00 出席國立海洋科技博物館開幕暨揭牌活動


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang attends the unveiling ceremony of the National Museum of Marine Science & Technology.

    地點:National Museum of Marine Science & Technology (No.367, Beining Rd., Keelung City)

1月24日 103年週五
  • 上午10:25 Premier Jiang attends the closing ceremony of Executive Yuan’s industry strategy meeting on 5G development in 2014.

    地點:Convention Hall, Civil Service Development Institute (1F., No. 30, Sec. 3, Xinsheng S. Rd., Da’an Dist., Taipei City)

  • 上午10:25 出席「2014年行政院5G發展產業策略會議」閉幕儀式


  • 上午09:00 主持行政院103年第1次治安會報


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over the 1st meeting on public security in 2014.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

1月23日 103年週四
  • 下午06:30 出席2014世界自由日慶祝大會暨世亞盟年會行政院歡迎晚會


  • 下午06:30 Premier Jiang attends the 2014World Freedom Day celebration and Executive Yuan’s welcome party for participants of World League for Freedom and Democracy and Asian Pacific League for Freedom and Democ

    地點:12F., The Grand Ballroom, The Grand Hotel (No. 1, Sec. 4, Zhongshan N. Rd., Zhongshan Dist., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


1月22日 103年週三
  • 上午09:25 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend the promulgation and unveiling ceremony of the National Development Council.

    地點:1F., Baoquing Office, National Development Council (No.3, Baoqing Rd., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:25 陪同 總統出席國家發展委員會揭牌暨佈達典禮

    地點:國發會寶慶辦公室 1F(臺北市寶慶路3號)

1月21日 103年週二
  • 上午11:00 主持行政院臨時院會


  • 上午11:00 Premier Jiang presides over a provisional Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 11:30 a.m.)

1月16日 103年週四
  • 下午04:15 陪同 總統出席行政院研考會感恩茶會


  • 下午04:15 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend a tea party held by the Research, Development and Evaluation Commission.

    地點:Room 101, NTUH International Convention Center (No. 2, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


共177頁, 筆,共2650筆