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1月9日 103年週四
  • 下午06:00 Premier Jiang attends the joint year-end banquet of the Chinese Confederation of Entertainment Unions and other unions.

    地點:Under the Jianguo Expressway(the intersection of Jianguo South Road and Xinyi Road)

  • 下午06:00 出席中華演藝總工會等總工會聯合尾牙


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院會


1月3日 103年週五
  • 上午09:30 Premier Jiang attends the GreTai Securities Market’s opening ceremony for startup board.

    地點:301 Conference Room, NTUH International Convention Center (No. 2, Xuzhou Rd., Zhongzheng Dist., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:30 出席證券櫃檯買賣中心「創櫃板啟用典禮」


1月2日 103年週四
  • 下午03:30 與南部地區相關產業代表座談


  • 下午03:30 Premier Jiang meets industry representatives from southern Taiwan.

    地點:Guantian Industrial Manufacturing and Sale Center (No.2, Gongye Rd., Guantian Dist., Tainan City)
    (The session following the premier’s address is not open to the press.)

  • 下午01:55 Premier Jiang visits Uni-President Enterprises Corporation (UPEC).

    地點:Uni-President Enterprises Corporation (No.301, Zhongzheng Rd., Yongkang Dist., Tainan City)
    (The premier’s talk with UPEC chairman is not open to the press.)

  • 下午01:55 參訪「統一企業股份有限公司」


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang attends a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點: 1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


  • 上午08:30 Premier Jiang attends a press conference welcoming the 8 millionth foreign visitor to Taiwan.

    地點:Auditorium, Executive Yuan
    (Please meet at the Press Room 8:20 am for interview.)

  • 上午08:30 主持「歡迎第800萬名國際旅客來臺記者會」


1月1日 103年週三
  • 上午06:30 Premier Jiang attends the New Year’s Day flag-raising ceremony in front of the Presidential Office Building.

    地點:Presidential Office Building Plaza

  • 上午06:30 出席中華民國103年元旦總統府升旗典禮


12月31日 102年週二
  • 上午09:55 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma to attend the 17th National Forum and the 57th Academic Award ceremony.

    地點:International Conference Hall, B1, National Taiwan Library (No.85, Zhong’an St., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City)

  • 上午09:55 陪同總統出席第17屆國家講座暨第57屆學術獎頒獎典禮


12月28日 102年週六
  • 上午10:25 陪同 總統出席「自由經濟示範區-國際醫療服務中心」揭牌儀式


  • 上午10:25 Premier Jiang accompanies President Ma Ying-jeou to the opening ceremony of an international medical service center in the free economic pilot zone.

    地點:Taipei Songshan Airport (No. 340-9, Dunhua North Road, Taipei City)

12月26日 102年週四
  • 下午04:00 主持行政院人權保障推動小組第23次委員會議


  • 下午04:00 Premier Jiang hosts the 23rd member meeting of Executive Yuan’s Human Rights Protection and Promotion Committee.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午03:30 出席行政院2013年傑出科技貢獻獎頒獎典禮


  • 下午03:30 Premier Jiang attends the award ceremony of Executive Yuan’s 2013 Outstanding Contributions in Science and Technology.

    地點:Auditorium, Executive Yuan
    (Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room at 15:20.)

  • 下午02:00 出席2014臺灣農漁會百大精品展開幕典禮


  • 下午02:00 Premier Jiang attends the opening ceremony of 2014 Taiwan’s Top Agricultural and Fishery Products Exhibition.

    地點:NTU Sports Center

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

12月25日 102年週三
  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang hosts the Executive Yuan’s 12th public security meeting in 2013.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午02:30 主持行政院102年第12次治安會報


12月24日 102年週二
  • 下午03:00 Premier Jiang hosts the 13th drug abuse prevention and control meeting of the Executive Yuan.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午03:00 主持行政院第13次毒品防制會報


12月21日 102年週六
  • 下午12:00 出席中華民國工商協進會「102年中部工商午餐會」


  • 下午12:00 Premier attends the central-Taiwan luncheon with members of the Taiwan-based Chinese National Association of Industry and Commerce.

    地點:Howard Taichung hotel; No. 129 An-he Rd., Taichung City

12月20日 102年週五
  • 上午09:00 出席監察院102年巡察行政院會議

    09:00 - 09:40開放院長介紹與會首長、監察院領隊介紹巡察委員、院長簡報及監察院領隊綜合說明部分,欲採訪之媒體請於08:50至記者工作室集合

  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang attends the 2013 Control Yuan inspection meeting to the Executive Yuan.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (The introduction session, Premier’s briefing and the inspection team leader’s remarks, which take place from 09:00 to 09:40, are open to the press. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room at 08:50.)

12月19日 102年週四
  • 下午04:25 與相關產業代表座談


  • 下午04:25 Premier Jiang meets the industry leaders.

    地點:Linkou Industrial Park Service Center (No. 53, Wenhua 1st Rd., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County)
    (Premier’s remark session is open to the press.)

  • 下午03:00 參訪佳世達科技股份有限公司


  • 下午03:00 Premier Jiang visits Qisda Corporation.

    地點:No. 157, Shanying Rd., Guishan Township, Taoyuan County
    (The meeting and the visit to the production line are not open to the press.)

  • 上午09:00 Premier Jiang presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


12月18日 102年週三
  • 下午02:30 主持「中央災害防救會報第28次會議」


  • 下午02:30 Premier Jiang hosts the 28th meeting of the Central Disaster Prevention and Response Council.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

12月17日 102年週二
  • 下午02:35 Premier Jiang inspects the Penghu Marine Biology Research Center, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute, Council of Agriculture.

    地點:Penghu Marine Biology Research Center, Taiwan Fisheries Research Institute (No. 266, Shili Village, Magong City, Penghu County)

  • 下午02:35 視察「農委會水產試驗所澎湖海洋生物研究中心」


  • 下午01:55 Premier Jiang remarks at the Penghu County Government’s event on the relations between the draft amendment of Civil Service Performance Evaluation Act and the group performance evaluation system.

    地點:Auditorium, Penghu County Government (No. 32, Zhiping Rd., Magong City, Penghu County)

  • 下午01:55 出席澎湖縣政府「考績法修正草案與團體績效評量制度之關係」演講活動致詞


  • 上午11:30 視察澎科大運動設施及澎湖多功能體育館基地


  • 上午11:30 Premier Jiang inspects the sports facilities at National Penghu University of Science and Technology and the base for a multi-functional stadium.

    地點:National Penghu University of Science and Technology (No. 300, Liuhe Rd., Magong City, Penghu County) and the base for a multi-functional stadium (the square across the Investigation Bureau’s Penghu Station, Ministry of Justice)

  • 上午10:40 Premier Jiang inspects the Zhongzheng and Yong-an bridges.

    地點:Playground, Zhongtun Elementary School, Penghu County (No. 130-2, Zhongtun Village, Baisha Township, Penghu County)

  • 上午10:40 視察澎湖中正橋及永安橋


  • 上午09:45 視察澎湖馬公機場


  • 上午09:45 Premier Jiang inspects the Magong Airport.

    地點:3rd Conference Room, Magong Airport, Penghu County

12月13日 102年週五
  • 上午10:00 Premier Jiang accompanies Vice President Wu to attend the Executive Yuan and the Sun Yun-suan Foundation’s award ceremony for distinguished civil servants.

    地點:Far Eastern Grand Ballroom, Level 3, Shangri-La’s Far Eastern Plaza Hotel (No. 201, Sec. 2, Dunhua S. Rd.,Taipei City)

  • 上午10:00 陪同副總統出席「行政院暨財團法人孫運璿學術基金會傑出公務人員表揚聯合頒獎典禮」


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