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1月13日 102年週日
  • 上午11:05 The premier visits the Liang-shean Tang Social Welfare Foundation's Chen Cho Youngster Homeland

    地點:No. 38-8, Dongrun Rd., Puli Township, Nantou County

  • 上午11:05 訪視「財團法人良顯堂社會福利基金會附設南投縣私立陳綢少年家園」


1月11日 102年週五
  • 下午02:30 主持中央廉政會報第10次會議


  • 下午02:30 Premier Chen presides over a meeting on government ethics.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

1月10日 102年週四
  • 下午02:00 接見中國工程師學會等工程產業界代表


  • 上午09:00 Premier Chen presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


1月8日 102年週二
  • 上午09:15 Premier Chen attends a forum on hidden champions (SMEs).

    地點:Taipei International Convention Center (No. 1, Sec. 5, Xinyi Rd., Taipei City)

  • 上午09:15 出席「2013隱形冠軍高峰論壇」


1月5日 102年週六
  • 上午09:30 出席「102年度行政院勞工委員會勞動政策座談會」


  • 上午09:30 Premier Chen attends a symposium on 2013 labor policy hosted by the Council of Labor Affairs.

    地點:5th Fl., Section 1, Zhongshan Rd., Banqiao District, New Taipei City (Room 507, New Taipei City International Convention Center)
    Not open to the press except during the premier's speech.

1月4日 102年週五
  • 下午02:30 Premier Chen presides over a meeting of the Executive Yuan’s human rights task force.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午02:30 主持行政院人權保障推動小組第21次委員會議


1月3日 102年週四
  • 上午09:00 Premier Chen presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


1月1日 102年週二
  • 上午06:30 Premier Chen attends the New Year Day's flag-raising ceremony.

    地點:No. 122, Section. 1, Chongqing S. Rd., Zhongzheng District, Taipei City

  • 上午06:30 出席中華民國102年元旦升旗典禮


12月29日 101年週六
  • 上午10:25 訪視「財團法人天主教瑪利亞方濟各傳教女修會附設米可之家」


  • 上午10:25 Premier Chen visits Miracle Home affiliated with the Franciscan Missionaries of Mary.

    地點:No.2-1, Lane 150 Baoshan Rd., Hsinchu City
    According to Article 69 of the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, please do not take pictures of the children's faces, report or record their names or other information that may identify them in order to protect their privacy. We request your cooperation.

  • 上午09:30 Premier Chen visits St. Teresa Children Center affiliated with the Catholic church's Hsinchu diocese

    地點:No 319 Shuangyuan Rd., Section 2, Baoshan Township, Hsinchu County
    According to Article 69 of the Protection of Children and Youths Welfare and Rights Act, please do not take pictures of the children's faces, report or record their names or other information that may identify them in order to protect their privacy. We request your cooperation.

  • 上午09:30 訪視「財團法人台灣省天主教會新竹教區附設德蘭兒童中心」


12月28日 101年週五
  • 下午04:30 主持行政院治安會報


  • 下午04:30 Premier Chen presides over a meeting on crime prevention.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press.)

  • 下午03:00 出席行政院2012年傑出科技貢獻獎頒獎典禮


  • 下午03:00 Premier Chen attends the 2012 Executive Yuan Outstanding Contribution in Science and Technology Award.

    地點:Assembly Hall, Executive Yuan
    (Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 14:50 p.m.)

  • 上午09:55 Premier Chen attends the 16th National Forum and the 56th Academic Award ceremony hosted by the Ministry of Education.

    地點:National Taiwan Library (No. 85, Zhong’an St., Zhonghe Dist., New Taipei City)

  • 上午09:55 出席教育部第16屆國家講座暨第56屆學術獎頒獎典禮


12月27日 101年週四
  • 上午09:00 Premier Chen presides over a weekly Cabinet meeting.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press. A press conference hosted by Spokesperson Cheng Li-wun is scheduled for 10:45 a.m.)

  • 上午09:00 主持行政院院會


  • 上午08:30 出席「101年行政院模範公務人員頒獎典禮」


  • 上午08:30 Premier Chen attends the award ceremony of 2012 Model Civil Servants of the Executive Yuan.

    地點:Assembly Hall, Executive Yuan
    (Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 8:20 a.m.)

12月26日 101年週三
  • 下午02:30 Premier Chen presides over a meeting on natural disaster prevention and rescue.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Not open to the press)

  • 下午02:30 主持「中央災害防救會報第24次會議」


12月25日 101年週二
  • 下午03:00 Premier Chen visits Qinbi Village.

    地點:Qinbi Village, Beigan Township, Lienchiang County

  • 下午03:00 參訪芹壁聚落


  • 下午02:30 壁山鳥瞰北竿機場


  • 下午02:30 Premier Chen takes a bird’s eye view of Beigan Airport.

    地點:A viewing platform on Mt. Bi, Beigan Township, Lienchiang County

  • 上午11:10 出席「福澳港碼頭行政旅運大樓興建工程」動土典禮


  • 上午11:10 Premier Chen attends the groundbreaking ceremony of a multi-functional building at the Fuao Harbor.

    地點:Fuwo Village., Nangan Township, Lienchiang County

  • 上午10:40 馬港天后宮參拜


  • 上午10:40 Premier Chen visits Magang Mazu Temple.

    地點:No. 4-1, Matsu Village., Nangan Township, Lienchiang County

12月22日 101年週六
  • 下午02:30 Premier Chen delivers a speech at the 2012 Southern Taiwan Leadership Institute of Education.

    地點:Cheng Shiu Hall, Cheng Shiu University (No.840, Chengcing Rd., Niaosong Dist., Kaohsiung City)

  • 下午02:30 赴「2012南方領袖教育學院」專題演講


  • 上午11:10 視察「衛武營藝術文化中心興建工程」


  • 上午11:00 Premier Chen inspects the construction site of Wei Wu Ying Center for the Arts.

    地點:Intersections of Sando Rd. and Jhongzheng Rd., Kaohsiung City

12月21日 101年週五
  • 上午09:00 出席監察院101年巡察行政院會議

    09:00 - 09:40開放院長介紹與會首長、監察院領隊介紹巡察委員、院長簡報及監察院領隊綜合說明部分,欲採訪之媒體請於08:50至記者工作室集合

  • 上午09:00 Premier Chen attends a meeting with Control Yuan members conducting circuit supervision and inspection.

    地點:1st Conference Room, Executive Yuan
    (Open to the press during introductory remarks from 9:00 to 9:40 a.m. Reporters are requested to be at the Press Room by 8:50 a.m.)

共177頁, 筆,共2650筆